An Interdisciplinary Journal

2001, Volume 4, Number 3, pp.299-301

Thermopower of a Mesoscopic 2DEG Semiconductor Junction
A. H. Aly and M. A. Morsy

The thermopower for transport from one equilibrium reservoir to another, along a multichannel lead was derived using the Landauer-Buttiker formula. The obtained thermopower for the junction was found to depend on its chemical potential. Computation shows that this thermopower decreases as the chemical potential increases. These results agree with those in the literature. The dependence of the thermopower on the bias voltage shows an abnormal behavior. That is, this thermopower exhibits peaks in the negative and positive values of the bias voltage. This behavior was explained according to the quantum chaos of electron transport through such mesoscopic junctions.
Key words: mesoscopic, thermopower, 2DEG

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