2002, Vol.5, No.3, pp.240-249
Computer simulations of spin waves parametric
excitations are carried out in the framework of the two modes
model. The dependence of the auto-oscillation frequency,
f, on the pumping amplitude h
is investigated. The results support the L'vov et.al.'s
expression for this dependence in cases where the parametric
excitation threshold,
hth is very close to the auto-oscillation threshold
hosc. In cases when
hosc is considerably larger
than hth a much better fit is
obtained to a slightly modified expression: f =
f0 +B([ h /hosc ] 2
-1)0.5 where f0 is the onset frequency
and B is a constant. Support is given to L'vov et.al's
idea that auto oscillation
evolves from an oscillation that is damped below hosc
and becomes self sustained at hosc. We find that
, the decay time of this oscillation is
critically dependent on h and exhibits a
critical slowing down power law:
= A(1-
h/hosc)-1.6 where A is a constant. The
dependence of f on the inter mode interaction
strengths when h is constant, satisfies the
expression: f = D+C /(E+2T11+
S 11 + 2T12+ S12) where D, C, and E are constants and
T11, T12, S11, and S 12 are the inter mode
interaction strengths in the two modes model. This result
supports the conjecture that the dependence of the
auto-oscillation frequency on the physical parameters is very
similar to that of N0, the steady state value of the total
number of parametric excitations.
Key words:
Nonlinear spinwaves excitation; Parametric excitation;
Two modes model; Auto-oscillations.
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