2003, Vol.6, No.3, pp.705-716
The main purpose of the paper is to summarize some
fundamental results concerning the matrix impulsive differential
equations with impulses at fixed points. The theory of impulsive
matrix differential equations is interesting in itself and it will
assume greater importance in the near future since the application
of the theory to various fields of science is also increasing,
especially in the theory of polyphase transmission line and surge
phenomena. The calculations in this theory are based on the concept
of polyphase reflection factor K(x). The matrix K(x)
satisfies the matrix Riccati equation, which may be considered as a
simplest nonlinear matrix equation with bilinear main part. Local
nonhomogeneities of the transmission line at some points
lead to the case when the matrix function of local reflection
K(x) becomes matrix
-function (Dirac function), that is equivalent
the pulse condition at some fixed points. The conditions of existence of
solutions of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous impulsive matrix
equation have been determined. The T-periodic matrix impulsive
equation has been considered. The condition of existence the
unique T-periodic solution has been obtained. The invariant set
of impulsive matrix equation has been studied. The condition
of its existence for nonlinear matrix equation has been
Key words:
impulsive matrix equation, transmission line
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