2005, Vol.8, No.2, pp.106-120
Within the formalism of Glauber's multiple scattering theory, the
elastic scattering of proton with light- and medium-weighted
nuclei () has been investigated by considering the quark
structure of their constituents. The proton-nucleus calculations
for the differential and total elastic cross-sections are
performed using both a full series expansion of the optical
phase-shift function and an optical phase-shift function
calculated through fourth order. We also calculated the same
differential and total elastic cross-sections using a conventional
nucleon model together with Glauber theory. These calculations are
carried out for the elastic collisions, p–deuteron at incident
momenta of PL=148, 174, 221, 248, 270, 289, 346 and 384
GeV/c, p–6C12, p–8O16 and
p–20Ca40 at center-of-mass energies of
= 23.5, 30.7, 44.7 and 52.8
GeV and the results are compared with the available experimental
data. The comparison reflects that the terms up to fourth order
are adequate in describing such types of collisions and also shows
that the nucleon model reproduces more satisfactorily the
available experimental data than the quark model evaluations.
Key words:
Glauber's multiple scattering theory, quark model,
nucleon model, differential cross-section, total elastic
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