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PHENOMENA IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS An Interdisciplinary Journal |
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems is an international interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original research articles, letter communications, invited review articles, news at the interface between mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, engineering, material, social and economical sciences devoted to increasing the understanding of nonlinear phenomena in complex systems. Articles should conform to high standards of scientific merit and should either stimulate or summarize research in this growing area of scientific activity. The official language of the journal is English. Authors are encouraged to write in a simple, direct style to facilitate of use of the journal by a broad international community of readers.
Manuscript should be submitted in a printed and electronic form simultaneously,
based on source prepared in TeX word processing systems.
All components of manuscript should be in a form suitable for electronic publication.
The figures must be presented in PostScript
or Encapulated PostScript format (file extensions *.ps *.eps).
Preferable TeX macro-package is
LaTeX, please use the NPCS-style which can be downloaded from NPCS WWW site at
The printed version of the manuscript, including figures and tables, should not exceed normally 20-25 pages (papers and mini-reviews) or 4 pages (Letters). Manuscript should be submitted sending three copies of it and electronic version (in compressed form, using commonly known archive programs like ARJ, ZIP, ZGIP etc) to Co-Editor-in-Chief on the address
Prof. V. Kuvshinov
B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics
National Academy of Sciences
68 Fr. Skorina Ave.
220072 Minsk Belarus
E-mail: J-NPCS@dragon.bas-net.by
The title of the paper should describe the contents. All abbreviations should be defined the first time they are used. The experimental section should be precise, and give all details necessary for repeating the work. To enable prompt publication, the full postal address should be given for author who will be responsible for communications, along with E-mail, telephone and FAX numbers where possible.
The name and full address of the author should be typed at the top of the first page. Denote with an asterisk (*) the author to whom inquiries regarding the work and reprint requests should be directed.
Frequency: Quarterly journal; 4 issues per volume.
ISSN: 1561-4085
Reprints: Twenty complimentary reprints will be sent to the first-named author of each paper. Additional reprints may be ordered by require.
Page Charges: There are no page charges to individuals or to institutions.
Figures, Tables, Sections, Schemes:
When referring to a figure, table or other element within an article, always call the element by its full name: "See Table 1", "Figure 1 illustrates", "Refer to Scheme 1". The price-per-page-with-color is 200 dollars USA. All figures must include descriptive captions.
Abstract: On the first manuscript page, following the title and author by-line (name, title, organization, city, state, country), please include a 100 to 150 word abstract that explains why the results are useful and why the work is of interest to the manufacturing community.
PACS and Key Words: On a line below the abstract please include the PACS (physical subject classification) or the 2000 MSC (mathematical subject classification) for the papers, and key words relating to the main topics of the paper for indexing and database word searches.
References: All sources cited in the text must be included in the reference list. Please number the references consecutively and include (in the following order) author name(s), title, journal (or book and publisher), volume, issue number, page numbers, and year of publication. Please use the natural ordering, putting initials before names. References should be cited in the text by a number in square brackets.
Footnotes: Authors are encouraged to minimize the use of footnotes.
Original Work/Copyright: Submission of a paper to this journal implies it represents original work not previously published, that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without consent of editor and publisher. It is a condition of acceptance that publisher acquire automatically copyright of manuscript throughout the world.
Copyright © Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. Last updated: June 15, 2001