An Interdisciplinary Journal

2001, Volume 4, Number 4, pp.358-363

Chaotic Oscillations in Nonlinear Spatially-Extended Resonator
A.A.Balyakin and N.M.Ryskin

Results of investigation of spatio-temporal chaotic oscillations in systems that can be treated as non-linear distributed resonators are presented. In the first part of the work the section of nonlinear transmission line with end reflections driven by an external periodic signal is considered. In the second part the ring cavity filled by the medium with cubic phase nonlinearity driven by an external multi-frequency signal is studied. Those two systems are investigated numerically in the wide range of parameters. Mechanisms of transition to chaos are discussed. Complex dynamics observed in these numerical simulations is expected to be peculiar for other physical systems that can be treated as nonlinear resonators driven by an external force
Key words: spatio-temporal chaos, nonlinear transmission line, distributed resonators, ring cavity

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