An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 4, Number 4, 2001
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Thermodynamics and Spectral Radius pp.318-321
A. Antonevich, V. Bakhtin, and A. Lebedev

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Self-confinement into a Plane and Stability Enhancement of Double-Diffusive Fingering pp.322-332
K. Kötter, M. Schmick, and M. Markus

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Quasiperiodicity in Lang-Kobayashi Model of Lasers with Delayed Optical Feedback pp.333-340
E.V. Grigorieva

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (245KB)   PostScript (814KB)   PostScript.gz (254KB)

Two-dimensional Complex Oscillator for Description of a Many-Electron Atom pp.341-346
L.I. Komarov and P.A. Khomyakov

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (491KB)   PostScript (1148KB)   PostScript.gz (178KB)

On an Excited State of the One-dimensional Optical Polaron pp.347-350
I.D. Feranchuk and P.A. Khomyakov

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (117KB)   PostScript (324KB)   PostScript.gz (114KB)

Peculiarities of the Brain Interhemisphere Asymmetry upon Microwave Treatment pp.351-357
A.V. Sidorenko

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (412KB)   PostScript (2431KB)   PostScript.gz (429KB)

Chaotic Oscillations in Nonlinear Spatially-Extended Resonators pp.358-363
A.A.Balyakin and N.M.Ryskin

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (459KB)   PostScript (1199KB)   PostScript.gz (293KB)

Cross Diffusional Effect in a Lotka-Volterra Competitive System pp.364-369
J. Chattopadhyay and S. Chatterjee

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (127KB)   PostScript (482KB)   PostScript.gz (130KB)

Effect of Ion Concentration on Soliton Propagation along DNA pp.370-375
A.N. Kamluk and V.B. Nemtsov

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (851KB)   PostScript (1833KB)   PostScript.gz (200KB)

Complex Dynamics of Simple Models of Distributed Self--Oscillating Delayed Feedback Systems pp.376-382
T.V.Dmitrieva, N.M.Ryskin, and A.M.Shigaev

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (406KB)   PostScript (2252KB)   PostScript.gz (279KB)

Spectral Properties of Fractal and Quasi-periodic Multilayered Media pp.383-389
S. V. Zhukovsky, S. V. Gaponenko, and A. V. Lavrinenko

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (242KB)   PostScript (1071KB)   PostScript.gz (252KB)

On the Autowave Solutions of Some Model of Structured Media Accounting for Effects of Spatio-temporal Nonlocality pp.390-396
S.I. Skurativskyy

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (200KB)   PostScript (3897KB)   PostScript.gz (219KB)

Superconductivity - Not Fading Electrical Current in Dissipative Medium pp.397-405
Yu.L. Klimontovich

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (143KB)   PostScript (579KB)   PostScript.gz (146KB)

Stability and Bifurcation of Two Interacting Species with Time Delay pp.406-411
Kalyan Das and A.K.Sarkar

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (141KB)   PostScript (499KB)   PostScript.gz (139KB)

Non-Markov Stationary Time Correlation in Complex Systems with Discrete Current Time pp.412-423
Renat Yulmetyev, Peter Hänggi, and Fail Gafarov

Abstract     Full text:  Acrobat PDF  (155KB)   PostScript (356KB)   PostScript.gz (165KB)

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